Құрметті порталға кірушілер! 2009 жылдың 16 ақпанынан бастап Біз сіздерге «On-line кеңес» жаңа сервисін ұсынудамыз. Сіз кез келген мемлекеттік органға мына мәселелер бойынша: • Қазақстан Республикасының заңнамаларын түсіндіру, • Мемлекеттік қызметті көрсету жөніндегі рәсімдерді түсіндіру, • Қандайда бір жағдай жөніндегі лауазымды тұлға әрекетінің құқықтылығы жөніндегі сұрақтармен қоса басқа да сұрақтарды қоя аласыз. Сұрақтарыңызды барынша қысқа да нұсқа тұжырымдауыңызды сұраймыз, ол кеңесшінің сұрағыңызға дер кезінде жауап беруіне ықпал етеді. Сервисті пайдалану үшін келісімді қабылдап, кеңес алатын мемлекеттік органды тізімнен таңдап, сұрақ қою үлгісін толтыруыңыз қажет. Сіз «Сұрақ мәртебесі» бөлімінде Сұрағыңыз қабылданды ма, жоқ па және мемлекеттік органдардың жауаптарымен таныса аласыз.

  • Сұрақтар: 1531
  • Жауаптар: 45
  • 1903237
  • 16.02.2009
  • 31.12.2010

Margaret 27.07.2010 Сұрақ нөмірі:
  • 0

Dear Karim Masimov, I’m one of the top journalists. My name is Margaret Fuller. I have a question for you. What you think about the poetry about Nursultan Nazarbayev which is appeared in June and now it is all over the internet. How the government reacting for this phenomena? I read about Barak Obama’s reaction about poetry from New York Times. I’m sure you already know about his opinion as he is next Nobel Peace Prize after him. Is that make him famous ever as it is realized in several famous presses? Do you think he will win the Nobel peace prize as expected in the poetry? It is absolutely true that the poetry about Nursultan Nazarbayev won several international prestigious awards such as academy book awards from, the American poetry foundation award, and Griffin poetry prizes with worth C$40000. This is all happen because of that the poetry already nominated Nobel Prize in Literature and now highly anticipated that expected to Nobel Prize in Literature. Is that brilliant idea? Thank you for your time and consideration I’m waiting you answer!? Sincerely, Margaret Fuller Уважаемый Карим Масимов, Я один из лучших журналистов мира. Меня зовут Маргарет Фуллер. У меня к вам вопрос. Что вы думаете о поэмы про Нурсултан Назарбаева которая появилась в июне в Интернете. Как правительство реагирует на это событие? Я читала реакцию Барака Обамы о поэзии из Нью-Йорк Таймс. Я уверен, что вы уже знаете его мнению, что Нурсултан Назарбаева ...

Жауаптар (0) Түсініктемелер (0)

margaret 27.07.2010 Сұрақ нөмірі:
  • 0

Dear Karim Masimov, I’m one of the top journalists. My name is Margaret Fuller. I have a question for you. What you think about the poetry about Nursultan Nazarbayev which is appeared in June and now it is all over the internet. How the government reacting for this phenomena? I read about Barak Obama’s reaction about poetry from New York Times. I’m sure you already know about his opinion as he is next Nobel Peace Prize after him. Is that make him famous ever as it is realized in several famous presses? Do you think he will win the Nobel peace prize as expected in the poetry? It is absolutely true that the poetry about Nursultan Nazarbayev won several international prestigious awards such as academy book awards from, the American poetry foundation award, and Griffin poetry prizes with worth C$40000. This is all happen because of that the poetry already nominated Nobel Prize in Literature and now highly anticipated that expected to Nobel Prize in Literature. Is that brilliant idea? Thank you for your time and consideration I’m waiting you answer!? Sincerely, Margaret Fuller Уважаемый Карим Масимов, Я один из лучших журналистов мира. Меня зовут Маргарет Фуллер. У меня к вам вопрос. Что вы думаете о поэмы про Нурсултан Назарбаева которая появилась в июне в Интернете. Как правительство реагирует на это событие? Я читала реакцию Барака Обамы о поэзии из Нью-Йорк Таймс. Я уверен, что вы уже знаете его мнению, что Нурсултан Назарбаева ...

Жауаптар (0) Түсініктемелер (0)

Кумарова Ш.Б. 27.07.2010 Сұрақ нөмірі:
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Здравствуйте, просим Вас дать разъяснение по положению абзаца 3 пп.3 п.1 Постановления Правительства Республики Казахстан от 10 февраля 2003 года № 145 Об определении механизма проведения мониторинга административных расходов государственных предприятий, акционерных обществ, контрольные пакеты акций которых принадлежат государству, и товариществ с ограниченной ответственностью, размеры государственных долей участия в которых позволяют государству определять решения общего собрания участников, с целью их оптимизации. Вопрос. В каком размере возмещаются суточные и предельные размеры для возмещения расходов по найму жилья руководителю и его заместителям АО со 100% участием государства? Заранее благодарим за ответ.

Жауаптар (0) Түсініктемелер (0)

Margaret 27.07.2010 Сұрақ нөмірі:
  • 0

Dear Karim Masimov, I’m one of the top journalists. My name is Margaret Fuller. I have a question for you. What you think about the poetry about Nursultan Nazarbayev which is appeared in June and now it is all over the internet. How the government reacting for this phenomena? I read about Barak Obama’s reaction about poetry from New York Times. I’m sure you already know about his opinion as he is next Nobel Peace Prize after him. Is that make him famous ever as it is realized in several famous presses? Do you think he will win the Nobel peace prize as expected in the poetry? It is absolutely true that the poetry about Nursultan Nazarbayev won several international prestigious awards such as academy book awards from, the American poetry foundation award, and Griffin poetry prizes with worth C$40000. This is all happen because of that the poetry already nominated Nobel Prize in Literature and now highly anticipated that expected to Nobel Prize in Literature. Is that brilliant idea? Thank you for your time and consideration I’m waiting you answer!? Sincerely, Margaret Fuller Уважаемый Карим Масимов, Я один из лучших журналистов мира. Меня зовут Маргарет Фуллер. У меня к вам вопрос. Что вы думаете о поэмы про Нурсултан Назарбаева которая появилась в июне в Интернете. Как правительство реагирует на это событие? Я читала реакцию Барака Обамы о поэзии из Нью-Йорк Таймс. Я уверен, что вы уже знаете его мнению, что Нурсултан Назарбаева ...

Жауаптар (0) Түсініктемелер (0)

Margaret 27.07.2010 Сұрақ нөмірі:
  • 0

Dear Karim Masimov, I’m one of the top journalists. My name is Margaret Fuller. I have a question for you. What you think about the poetry about Nursultan Nazarbayev which is appeared in June and now it is all over the internet. How the government reacting for this phenomena? I read about Barak Obama’s reaction about poetry from New York Times. I’m sure you already know about his opinion as he is next Nobel Peace Prize after him. Is that make him famous ever as it is realized in several famous presses? Do you think he will win the Nobel peace prize as expected in the poetry? It is absolutely true that the poetry about Nursultan Nazarbayev won several international prestigious awards such as academy book awards from, the American poetry foundation award, and Griffin poetry prizes with worth C$40000. This is all happen because of that the poetry already nominated Nobel Prize in Literature and now highly anticipated that expected to Nobel Prize in Literature. Is that brilliant idea? Thank you for your time and consideration I’m waiting you answer!? Sincerely, Margaret Fuller Уважаемый Карим Масимов, Я один из лучших журналистов мира. Меня зовут Маргарет Фуллер. У меня к вам вопрос. Что вы думаете о поэмы про Нурсултан Назарбаева которая появилась в июне в Интернете. Как правительство реагирует на это событие? Я читала реакцию Барака Обамы о поэзии из Нью-Йорк Таймс. Я уверен, что вы уже знаете его мнению, что Нурсултан Назарбаева ...

Жауаптар (0) Түсініктемелер (0)